Full Name
Katherine Dargan Marquis
Job Title
Senior Wildfire Advisor
Moore Foundation
Speaker Bio
Kate Dargan Marquis most recently worked for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy as Assistant Director for Preparedness and Response. She has returned to her previous role as Chief Strategy Officer for Intterra, a technology company she co-founded in 2010. Prior to that Kate was a pioneering California firefighter/chief for 30 years and the first woman State Fire Marshal for California and a proud Cal Poly San Luis Obispo graduate. She has led numerous wildfire prevention, mitigation, and response initiatives over her career and is a national expert on wildfire. She has worked at the community, public agency, industry, technology, and policy levels of the California fire service and is widely recognized for her consensus-building style and innovative approaches to old problems. She is married to Jim Marquis and they have 5 children, 3 of which are in public safety. Her current favorite fun thing to do is hiking around Lake Tahoe where she lives.
Katherine Dargan Marquis