CFTOA - Training Officer Workshop
Date & Time
Monday, October 21, 2024, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

This is a FREE pre-conference workshop hosted by the Colorado Fire Training Officers Association. 

New and current Training Officers, or anyone who is a training leader within their department.  The goals of this workshop are to; familiarize new T.O.’s with the tools and resources available through the Division of Fire Prevention and Control, update all attendees on the policy and procedure changes pertaining to the certification process, gain access to committee leads for Officer, Policy/Proctor, and  Haz-mat to improve understanding of the changes and best practices.  Attendees will have the opportunity to speak with senior instructors and RMS technical specialists to find best practices and “tips and tricks” for training development and documentation.  Attendees will also be able to  network with other T.O.’s, to share knowledge and resources. 


9:00am - Opening Comments, Don Koogle, Clear Creek Fire Authority and Brian Jackson, Hudson Fire Protection District

9:15am - Division of Fire Prevention & Control Discussion, Lisa Pine and Marine Maxfield, DFPC

  • RMS Access and Usage
  • Certification Overview
  • Major Changes in Standards
  • Breakdown of the Policy and Standard Change Process

10:15am - Break - Refreshments Provided

10:30am - Haz-Mat Committee, Brandi Manuppella, Grand Junction Fire

  • 470 Updates
  • Question Generation Process
  • Teaching Best Practices

11:30am - Training Documentation - Vector Solutions Technical Specialists

12:30pm - Lunch on Your Own

2;00pm - 3:15pm - Breakout Sessions

  • Fire Officer Certification Process - Fire Officer Committee
  • Proctor Updates and Best Practices - Proctor / Policy Committee, Michael Gates, Founatin Fire, Michael Krupa, Durango Fire and Don Koogle, Clear Creek Fire Authority
  • Live Fire Training Best Practices

3:15pm - Break

3:30pm - Training Officer Roundtable, Brandi Manuppella, Grand Junction Fire; Mike Scott, Grand Fire Protection District; and Brian Jackson, Hudson Fire Protection District

4:30pm - Final Comments / Adjournment

Agenda Subject to Change


Session Type
Pre-Conference Workshop