Full Name
Aric Stahly
Job Title
Fire Chief
Southern Park County FPD
Speaker Bio
Chief Stahly was born in Michigan and moved to Colorado in 1996. He studied recording arts and media management at the University of Colorado (Colorado Springs campus) and spent several years in the hospitality industry before establishing his own business in 2004. Aric first joined the fire service as a volunteer in 2017, and attended fire academy at NETCO (Northeast Teller County Fire) in Woodland Park. His enthusiasm for the fire service and dedication were well-received by the members of the department. He obtained EMT certification in 2020, and was named Deputy Chief in January of 2021. On January 1, 2022, he was sworn in as District Chief for the Southern Park County Fire Protection District. During his tenure, the average age of the volunteer crew has dropped from 62 years of age to 44 years of age. The tremendous support he receives from the community has allowed him to procure updated equipment and apparatus for the department, and engagement with the community has brought in many new recruits to the team.
Aric Stahly